deutsch  / englisch


ISBN ???

23.487 Publikationen                                                         780.000 Keywords





Auswertungs- und Informationsdienst für Ernährung,
Landwirtschaft und Forsten (aid) e. V.,
Konstantinstr. 124

D-53179 Bonn,

Tel. +49 0228/84 9 90;
Fax +49 0228/952 6 952;




Hrsg.: EUR*ECO Institute Professor Roland Irslinger








Sie suchen nach Fachgebieten oder Themen - nach Schlagworten, wenn Sie's ganz genau wissen wollen, verknüpfen und markieren die Intensität der Suche. In Sekundenschnelle erscheinen die Literatur-Daten am Bildschirm, die aktuellsten Informationen natürlich immer ganz oben. Sie durchforsten das Suchergebnis, wechseln zwischen Zeitschriften-Aufsätzen, umfangreichen Bänden und ganzen Serien mühelos hin und her wie in einer echten Bibliothek - nur viel übersichtlicher und 100.000 mal schneller! Wichtige Suchergebnisse vervollständigen Sie mit einer Autorensuche. Was Sie schwarz auf weiß haben wollen, drucken Sie nach Ihren Wünschen aus.

Mit der ÖKO-Profi-Version recherchieren Sie zudem nach Verfassern und Serien, Sie steuern die Intensität der Schlagwort-Suche fast stufenlos. Fachgebiete, Themen und Schlagworte werden nicht nur recherchiert, sondern auch angezeigt - plus ungezählte weitere Fundstellen. Sie können einzelne Dokumente oder Listen ausdrucken oder den Ausdruck in einer Datei speichern.



Diese Versionen sind alle auf dieser CD:

ÖkoBoden Ökoland

10.116 Titel 10.389 Titel

Bodenökologie Landschaftsökologie
Bodenschutz Agrarökologie
Bodensanierung Naturschutz


ÖkoWald Waldbau (einschl. Naturnaher ~ )

12.160 Titel 12.923 Titel

Waldökologie         Waldbewirtschaftung
Waldsterben        Waldverjüngung
Luftverunreinigung Baumartenwahl
Allgemeine Ökologie Waldpflege


Naturnaher Waldbau ÖkoKomplett

4.069 Titel 23.487 Titel

Waldstrukturen Alle Themen !



23.487 Titel

Alle Themen!
+ Verfassersuche
+ Haupt- und Nebenschlagworte
+ Dokument- und Listenausdruck
+ Fundstellenhinweise
+ Inhaltsanzeigen
+ Zitierhilfen


Mit MSAccess-EasyLit recherchieren Sie in einer neuen Dimension und vergessen dabei alles, worüber Sie sich bisher geärgert haben und sparen dabei viel, viel Zeit und...

Ó Copyright

Diese CD ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Jede Verwendung der Daten außerhalb der erworbenen Lizenz ist untersagt. Eine Einspeisung der Daten auch in hausinterne Netze ist nicht gestattet. In allen Fällen berechtigt eine Lizenz die gleichzeitige Nutzung nur an einem Arbeitsplatz. Die Weitergabe von ausgedruckten oder als Datei erzeugten Literaturlisten an Dritte ist nicht gestattet. Bei nicht vertragsgemäßem Gebrauch der Daten wird pro Hinweis und Nutzer eine Gebühr in Höhe von 2 DM je Literaturhinweis erhoben.

Für die Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit der Daten wird keine Gewähr übernommen. Der Vertragnehmer stellt mich außerdem frei von allen Ansprüchen und Kosten, die dadurch entstehen, daß der Vertragnehmer Rechte Dritter (z. B. Urheberrechte, Patente, Lizenzen etc.) verletzt. Alle Urheberrechte bleiben vorbehalten. Eine mittelbare oder unmittelbare Haftung für Software-Probleme sowie für etwaige Schäden an Hard- oder Software oder Datenverluste ist ausgeschlossen.

Roland Irslinger Rottenburg, 02. März 1998

Wie installiere ich meine EasyLitLiteraturdatenbank




















Weitere Informationen


à TIPs und Tricks zur Literatursuche...ß


Schnell, detailliert oder sehr detailliert - Suche nach Fachgebieten, Themen oder Schlagworten

Wie bei keiner anderen Datenbank können Sie die Intensität der Literatursuche praktisch stufenlos steuern. Wenn Sie die folgenden Zeilen lesen, werden Sie überrascht sein, wie sich EasyLit bei der Literatur-Recherche Ihren ganz persönlichen Wünschen anpasst. Wollen Sie sich schnell mal über Neuerscheinungen in einem Fachgebiet informieren oder interessieren Sie sich für eine hochspezifische Fragestellung?








Verfassersuche (P)

Öffnen Sie die Liste der Verfasser, wählen Sie den gewünschten Verfasser aus und bestätigen Sie mit OK.




Wo finde ich die Quellendaten?



Bewegen Sie sich wie in einer echten Bibliothek!


Schwarz auf weiss besitzen...


Viel Spass wünschen Ihnen aid und EUR*ECO




Nr. 12

ISSN 0940-3698


Nature Oriented Silviculture
Literature Database

German - English / Deutsch Englisch


Editor: Roland Irslinger


D-72108 Rottenburg
Tel.: +49 07472/951-0

Fax: +49 07472/951-200




Inet: http://www.fh-rottenburg.deNature oriented silviculture [Computer database] : literature database ; German-English, Deutsch-Englisch Fachhochschule Rottenburg, University for Applied Forestry. Ed. Roland Irslinger. - 1. ed. - Rottenburg a. N. Germany, 1998. - 1 CD-ROM ; 12 cm + 1 booklet. - (Schriftenreihe der Fachhochschule Rottenburg ; 12

    Irslinger, M.
    Müller-Hönscheidt, T.


Minimum system requirements: Windows 95/98 or Windows NT; 32(16) mb RAM; 60 mb free hard drive for full installation; CD-ROM drive, mouse, VGA and colour screen.


EasyLit Version 1.12

Programme: Schönbuchsoft D-72135 Dettenhausen


Research in the field of Nature Oriented Forest Management depends on experiences made throughout the last decades and centuries. This large amount of information can be processed by modern information technology only. The pressure to use research funds in an economical way encourages this process.

On the occasion of the EFI Summer School 1997 at Rottenburg University for Applied Forestry, a vast amount of European literature on nature oriented forest management was collected. Developing from this, this CD has been made. 4.200 documents can be searched for with the help of about 150.000 keywords.

At the same time in a pilot project the attempt was made to develop a bilingual search strategy, utilizing a large quantity of search aids. The present result will show the way and additionally help to spread the idea of nature oriented forest management round the world.

Ó copyright

This CD is protected by copyright. Any use of the data outside this license is prohibited. It is not allowed even to feed data into any internal net systems. The license includes the usage of these data at one place of work at a time only. The passing on of literature lists in printed or any other form is not permitted. For information, given outside the license agreement, a 2 DEM fine per document unit and user will be charged.

No guarantee is given on the completeness and correctness of the data. The partner of agreement exempts me from all claims and costs to any third party, whose rights have been affected in any way. In no event will I be liable for any resulting, incidental or special damage to hard- or software or data, including any loss of profits.

Roland Irslinger Rottenburg, 10 September 1998


How to install my EasyLit literature database


Minimum system requirements: Windows 95/98 or Windows NT; 32(16) mb RAM; 50 mb free hard drive for full installation; CD-ROM drive, mouse, VGA and colour screen.


1. Insert disc into CD-ROM drive and start your CD-ROM drive.

2. Choose the appropriate installation routine

efi oder efi2.

The choice of the installation routine depends on the installed file version 'comcat.dll' on your PC (this file can be found in the directory '\WINDOWS\SYSTEM').

If, after the installation of a new programme (for example MS-Internet explorer 4.x) a new version of comcat.dll (old version 22 kb, new version 6 kb) is installed, use installation routine 'efi' from the CD.
If you find the old version of the comcat.dll or no version of this file at all, use installation routine 'efi2' from the CD.
To install under Windows 98 use installation routine 'efi', under NT 4.0 however '\efi2'.

3. After choosing the right installation routine, start the installation by double-clicking setup.exe.

4. The setup programme will automatically install EasyLit in the directory C:\Programme\EasyLit Efi Literatur datenbank. You can choose another directory as well.

5. Use the standard-installation in general.

Using standard-installation the Microsoft-Word-97 Viewer and the Microsoft-PowerPoint-97 Viewer will not be installed automatically. If MS Office 97 is not installed on your system, please install the viewer from the CD!

6. The setup programme will notify you when EasyLit has been successfully installed. EasyLit. This might take a few minutes (50 mb)!

7. Now start your EasyLit literature database with startmenue\programmes.

Further information about the editor and the EasyLit search system can be found in the entry mask on the top right under the 'Info' button. If you wish, we can put your literature on CD as well - either in the high quality EasyLit-format or according to your personal wishes and ideas. Feel free to call +49 / 7478 / 8397.


à TIPs & Tricks to search for literature...ß


Now you own a literature database that sets new standards in searching for literature, especially in magazines and other series and encyclopedias of professional literature. Aided by the Windows-Access system EasyLit you can comfortably search under the well known Windows surface.

A well-contrived keyword-catalogue will guide you through the vast amount of information. The search can be made in English or German. The translation tool helps you to translate technical terms from German into English or vice versa. Therefore the CD will not only help you to find literature, but also to translate and to publish in English or German.

The EasyLit programme enables you to find your way easily through the highly complex data structure. In addition we will show you which types of literature search EasyLit has got to offer.

Quick, detailed or very detailed - searches for fields, subjects or keywords

Unlike any other database, you can vary the intensity of your search as you wish. While reading the following you will be surprised how EasyLit adapts to your personal wishes while searching for literature. Do you want to get some quick information on new releases in a certain field of interest or are you interested in highly specific questions?


1 By starting the Quick Search you will receive a large amount of references to various fields, such as soil ecology, nature conservation, silviculture and so on (47 fields). The most recent publications will appear at the top, you are up to date at a first glance!

TIP If you are interested in the most recent publications of a colleague, just use your mouse and sort the results according to the author. The list will be somewhat larger, because some publications have several authors. EasyLit lists each author separately.

2 The Detailed Search offers you the opportunity of choosing from 210 different subjects. Choose the main subject first, then open the list of minor subjects. EasyLit shows you the minor subjects automatically corresponding to the main subjects. After choosing the minor subject and giving your OK, EasyLit will put the list of literature together. If you do not choose a minor subject, EasyLit will search only within the main subjects and will therefore find more documents.

3 Your search will be very detailed when you use the Keyword-search. Pick one of the approximately 10.000 keywords and, if necessary, add two other fitting keywords. In this case the search will be limited and the list of found entries will be smaller.

Attention: Do not use to many keywords, some information might get lost!

The keyword-search system will help you to find the proper keyword. The list does not only include keywords, but also a large number of search terms which will help you to find the right keyword. TIP EasyLit will find, for example, the keyword natural landscape unit not only under 'natural landscape unit' itself, but also under growth region or site region or ecoclimatic region. If you want to know which keyword EasyLit is actually looking for, just activate the verification-hook below the field for entering the keywords.

TIP Do you know a tree called arrollo pine, but you are not sure if it is the same as Swiss stone pine? Just choose arollo pine and activate the verification-hook. EasyLit will tell you that arollo pine is really Pinus cembra (arollo pine, cembra pine, Swiss stone pine). It is no problem to start your search with arollo pine, EasyLit will search for literature on Swiss stone pine! Obviously you can search for Pinus cembra as well, if you know the scientific name.

TIP Would you prefer to do the same in German? No problem for EasyLit!

TIP EasyLit will also tell you which other pine species (Pinus) exist. All you have to do is to open the keyword list under pine or Pinus - you will get the result immediately in English or German. You will hardly find a more sophisticated literature search!

Do you want to know anything about Scandinavia? No problem for EasyLit! TIP On opening the keyword list with Scandinavia, you will instantly see all the countries listed on the CD, Finland for example. When you choose Finland you will be led by EasyLit to Karelia and the Koli National Park for example. EasyLit will show you the way, all you have to do is to stop at the right moment and then to start the search.

TIP Within the keyword search you have got the choice of picking either important or less important information while searching for keywords. Your database can distinguish if the topic you are looking for has just been briefly mentioned in a publication or if it has been thoroughly discussed. If you want to see the most important publications only, leave the importance-hook on the left edge of the mask, otherwise remove it.

TIP By using this procedure you can give each keyword its special meaning, while doing a crosslinked search. If you search crosslinked with three keywords, and the importance-hooks are activated in all three cases, you might not get any results, because the search strategy is too narrow. In this case just remove one or more importance-hooks and restart the search until EasyLit has found a result suitable for you.

Author search

Open the authors list, choose one author and click OK.

TIP If you do not know the author's first name, just enter a few of the first letters of the surname and add the text mark 'star' (*), for example MAIE*. EasyLit will look for all authors whose names begin with 'maie', Maierling, K. for example. If you are looking for an unknown institute, procede the same way: instit* etc.

Where to find the data sources?

Next to each document, you will find a 'book-icon' to open it. EasyLit will show you all data sources you need to borrow the document at a library.

EasyLit will offer you quotations too. You will also learn about the fields, subjects and keywords that have been allocated to the document. The numbers behind some of the keywords are the pages, where the necessary information can be found.

Move around just like you would in a real library!

A lot of publications can be found in encyclopedias and series. In these cases you will often find various documents in one single volume. EasyLit will show you each document separately - a must for working and quoting properly!

TIP If you find the button 'Volume View' at the bottom edge of the mask, you can open a list with all the documents of that specific volume allocated in your licensed module. This gives you a quick overall view with just one click on the mouse.

TIP If you find the button 'to the Chief Work' at the bottom edge of the mask, after mouse-clicking EasyLit will show you the specific volume in which the document was published.

TIP If you find the button 'to the Series' at the bottom edge of the mask and click it, EasyLit will search for every single volume implemented in your database and published e.g. by an institute as a series.

TIP You can move as you wish on the screen now, choose an interesting volume, look at its 'volume view', pick any document and inform yourself about its data sources and contents! This can be repeated as often as required, just like walking through a real library! What a pleasant way to search for literature!

The printed word...

To get the document in a library or bookshop we recommend taking a printout with all the data sources of specific documents or a complete list of literature. EasyLit offers both alternatives. Obviously all the necessary data on documents in encyclopedias and series, contained in a given chief work, will be printed out automatically to facilitate the work in the library.

TIP Lists of literature ca be exported via the Windows-symbol at the upper left edge of the screen and then processed in any word processing programme. Your individual list of literature can thus be composed. To establish the reference list of your publication you no longer have to copy the titles by hand.

Enjoy yourself!

Your Rottenburg University for Applied Forestry